Gold in PDB, part 2 (files: 41-80),
PDB 3l47-5ix6
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Gold (Au) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Gold atoms. PDB files: 41-80 (PDB 3l47-5ix6).
3l47 (Au: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Anopheles Gambiae Odorant-Binding Protein 22A
3m6e (Au: 9) - F80A Mutant of the Urea Transporter From Desulfovibrio Vulgaris
3odm (Au: 36) - Archaeal-Type Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase
3p4z (Au: 2) - Time-Dependent and Protein-Directed in Situ Growth of Gold Nanoparticles in A Single Crystal of Lysozyme
Other atoms:
Cl (2);
3p64 (Au: 4) - Time-Dependent and Protein-Directed in Situ Growth of Gold Nanoparticles in A Single Crystal of Lysozyme
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
3p65 (Au: 5) - Time-Dependent and Protein-Directed in Situ Growth of Gold Nanoparticles in A Single Crystal of Lysozyme
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
3p66 (Au: 8) - Time-Dependent and Protein-Directed in Situ Growth of Gold Nanoparticles in A Single Crystal of Lysozyme
3p68 (Au: 7) - Time-Dependent and Protein-Directed in Situ Growth of Gold Nanoparticles in A Single Crystal of Lysozyme
3swm (Au: 9) - The Nac Domain of ANAC019 in Complex with Dna, Gold Derivative
3szc (Au: 3) - Crystal Structure of Sulfide:Quinone Oxidoreductase From Acidithiobacillus Ferrooxidans in Complex with Gold (I) Cyanide
3vr0 (Au: 18) - Crystal Structure of Pyrococcus Furiosus Pbab, An Archaeal Proteasome Activator
3zuu (Au: 1) - The Structure of OST1 (D160A, S175D) Kinase in Complex with Gold
4a65 (Au: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Thioredoxin Reductase From Entamoeba Histolytica with Aucn
4ac6 (Au: 4) - Corynebacterium Glutamicum Acnr Au Derivative Structure
4acl (Au: 12) - 3D Structure of Dotu From Francisella Novicida
Other atoms:
Na (1);
4b8b (Au: 29) - N-Terminal Domain of the Yeast NOT1
4cbq (Au: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Thioredoxin Reductase From Entamoeba Histolytica with Auranofin Au(I) Bound to CYS286
Other atoms:
Cl (2);
4ccr (Au: 4) - Crystal Structure of the Thioredoxin Reductase Apoenzyme From Entamoeba Histolytica in the Absence of the Nadp Cofactor
4lfp (Au: 1) - X-Ray Structure of the Adduct Between Hen Egg White Lysozyme and A Homoleptic Gold(I) Complex with the Saccharynate Ligand
Other atoms:
Cl (3);
Na (1);
4lfx (Au: 1) - X-Ray Structure of the Adduct Between Hen Egg White Lysozyme and AUOXO6, A Dinuclear Gold(III) Complex with -Dioxo Bridges Linking the Two Metal Centers
Other atoms:
Cl (3);
Na (1);
4lgk (Au: 1) - X-Ray Structure of the Adduct Between Hen Egg White Lysozyme and AU2PHEN, A Dinuclear Gold(III) Complex with -Dioxo Bridges Linking the Two Metal Centers
Other atoms:
Cl (3);
4m2j (Au: 1) - Crystal Structure of Plp-Dependent Cyclase Orfr in Complex with Au
4mxf (Au: 1) - X-Ray Structure of the Adduct Between Bovine Pancreatic Ribonuclease and AUOXO6, A Dinuclear Gold(III) Complex with -Dioxo Bridges Linking the Two Metal Centers
4oot (Au: 1) - X-Ray Structure of the Protein-Gold Adduct Formed Upon Reaction of Aubipic with Hen Egg White Lysozyme
4ovb (Au: 9) - Crystal Structure of Oncogenic Suppression Activity Protein - A Plasmid Fertility Inhibition Factor, Gold (I) Cyanide Derivative
4qy9 (Au: 2) - X-Ray Structure of the Adduct Between Hen Egg White Lysozyme and AUOXO3, A Cytotoxic Gold(III) Compound
Other atoms:
Na (1);
4xi2 (Au: 2) - Crystal Structure of An Auto-Inhibited Form of Bruton'S Tryrosine Kinase
4y2i (Au: 2) - Gold Ion Bound to Golb
4y2m (Au: 1) - Apo-Golb Protein
4zfp (Au: 3) - A New Crystal Structure For the Adduct Formed in the Reaction Between AUSAC2, A Cytotoxic Homoleptic Gold(I) Compound with the Saccharinate Ligand, and the Model Protein Hen Egg White Lysozyme
4zgh (Au: 2) - Structure of Sugar Binding Protein Pneumolysin
5ccw (Au: 3) - Structure of the Complex of A Human Telomeric Dna with Au(Caffein-2- Ylidene)2
Other atoms:
K (2);
5cvl (Au: 7) - WDR48 (Uaf-1), Residues 2-580
5dnn (Au: 2) - Nucleosome Core Particle Containing Adducts of Gold(I)- Triethylphosphane and Ruthenium(II)-Toluene Pta Complexes
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
Ru (2);
5e5f (Au: 1) - X-Ray Structure of the Complex Between Rnase A and Compound 4-PF6 ([(PPH3)Au(Mi-Pbi)Pt(Me)(Dmso)][PF6]), the Heterobimetallic Derivative Obtained in the Reaction Between the Organometallic Compound [Pt(Pbi)(Me)(Dmso)], Pbi=2-(2'-Pyridil)Benzimidazole (Compound 3) and the Gold(I) Compound [Au(PH3P)][PF6]
5gu0 (Au: 8) - Crystal Structure of Au.Cl-Apo-E45C/R52C-Rhlfr
Other atoms:
Cd (3);
5gu1 (Au: 9) - Crystal Structure of Au(L).Cl-Apo-E45C/R52C-Rhlfr
Other atoms:
Cd (6);
5gu2 (Au: 10) - Crystal Structure of Au(M).Cl-Apo-E45C/R52C-Rhlfr
Other atoms:
Cd (6);
5gu3 (Au: 6) - Crystal Structure of Au(E).Cl-Apo-E45C/R52C-Rhlfr
Other atoms:
Cd (5);
5ix6 (Au: 7) - X-Ray Structure of AUOXO3-Encapsulated Horse Spleen Apoferritin
Other atoms:
Cd (9);
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 08:21:39 2025